Lie To Me
written by: Valentyna Holloway
Lie to me.
Tell me You don’t love me.
Tell me it isn’t my hair You want tangled around Your fingers.
Tell me it isn’t my touch You crave on Your skin.
Lie to me.
Tell me You don’t wake up reaching for me in the middle of the night.
Tell me You don’t want me on my knees Worshiping You.
Tell me You don’t want my quivering body underneath Yours.
Lie to me.
Tell me You don’t ache to feel my lips press against Yours.
Tell me You don’t want to stroke me with Your hands until I scream Your name.
Tell me You don’t want me to take You to realms of ecstasy You never dreamed existed.
The thing is
it’s always going to be You and me.
It’s chemistry.
It’s biology.
It’s the simple equation of one plus one equals us.
It’s the Heavenly push that spiraled us in the same direction
Until we collided with the force of a supernova.
And neither one of us have been the same since.
- Lie To Me - January 5, 2018
- Ode To The Spark That Still Lives Inside My Chest - October 25, 2017
- Quiver - July 14, 2017