Memory of Christmas and Mistletoe, poetry by Ken Allan Dronsfield at

Memory of Christmas and Mistletoe

Memory of Christmas and Mistletoe

written by: Ken Allan Dronsfield



Looking at the Christmas tree

the jovial songs echo in my mind.

Bing Crosby sings White Christmas,

smells of seasons, past and present.

Remembrance permeates the senses

globes of glass and colorful orbs hang

as lights twinkle all around the house.

They move ever so mesmerizing and

reflect tinsel in bright chasing strings

hypnotizing the eyes within the display..

Packages both large and small wrapped

in a plethora of lovely designs and are

adorned with colored ribbons and bows.

Children run around the tree reading

names off labels, “it’s mine, and the best”

Julie shouts as all are checked but Tommy

exclaims, “Santa will bring the rest!”

We smile toasting the love of Christmas.

The candles in each window are lit with

red bulbs, like neighbor, Mrs. Hart’s lipstick.

She follows me about trying to catch

me under the mistletoe, but I move swiftly,

like Santa’s reindeer, and for another year

she’s thwarted from her alluring tricky plot.

As we get ready to be seated at the table

I help my Mom and sisters with their chairs.

Mrs. Hart then waves, and me being macho

I step over to the back of her chair, she just

smiles, looks up, and there hangs mistletoe.

I relive that Christmas memory like it was

yesterday. It brings a warm smile to my face.

A remembrance of a snowy Christmas Eve!

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This publication is part 44 of 93 in the series 12 Days of Christmas