Mind Captures, a prose written by KL Merchant at Spillwords.com

Mind Captures

Mind Captures

written by: KL Merchant


This was seen upon my travels in Bristol so I came up with The Bristol Ball catchy right?! Bit like a foreseeing crystal ball .. It symbolises to me of an all seeing eye of Life, reminds me of my reflective mind of the observer through time, all of the things I’ve seen and done have been my lessons and reflections (Past, Present and Future) – because without these reflective moments.. One cannot grow and connect with themselves on a higher level ground.

To better paint a picture is to draw a description in our visions.. The minds eye visuals to overhead project what it is that we live through everyday, it is a lens that captures things and stores it all in our memory compartment in our brains to revisit later, it captures both positive and negative – and as we go through life. We can recall some of what we’ve seen and learned, for when we need to remember that we are strong or need to get over a hurdle that tests us. Everything we go through and struggle with in life is the testing ground, the force of nature, things we have to face in order to survive.

The clockwork behind all ticking of hours of everyday, the face of many reflections of many situations that we have to project in order to archive so we can take our next steps to what’s next. A new reflection, a new observation.

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