Spotlight On Writers - Paul Anthony Obey, an interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Paul Anthony Obey

Spotlight On Writers

Paul Anthony Obey



  1. Where, do you hail from?

I am from Liverpool, England. I was born and spent the first 20 years of my life in Toxteth, a very multicultural part of the city, close to the centre and Docklands.

I now live further out from the centre but remain part of the city. I will probably spend my whole life here.

  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

Where do you start? Liverpool is known the World over as the home of The Beatles, for its football teams and the generosity and humour of its people. The city has two cathedrals (three, if you count Anfield, the home of Liverpool Football Club).
Liverpool was heavily bombed in the Second World War as the docks have always been an important trading base for the World. To this day, there are still iconic mercantile buildings known as the “Three Graces” – Royal Liver Building, Cunard Building and Port of Liverpool Building which stand on the Pier Head.
The people of Liverpool are known as ‘scousers’. This is thought to be in reference to our regional dish of ‘scouse’ which is a stew of meat and vegetables. The dish itself can trace its origins back to Scandinavian sailors who worked at the docks.

  1. What turns you on creatively?

I am a passionate socialist. I believe in justice and fairness and that we, the people of the World, are stronger together. Most of my work is the creation of politics, political decisions and the issues we all face in society.

My work is mostly from a place of highlighting the hypocrisy of power as well as shining a spotlight on the mistreatment of the underdog.

I am not naïve enough to think that the World’s ills can be solved easily, however, my mantra is ‘Why can’t we all just get along?’ If we all used this mantra as the backbone of a default position to treat everybody we encounter as we would like and expect to be treated, then I am positive that things would improve for everyone.

I also sometimes write about love, loss and misery.

Did I mention I am an idealist and dreamer?

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

My favourite word can change if I’m honest. My latest favourite word is ‘dog’. We recently rehomed a rescue dog, Alisson, she is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier crossed with even more beauty and she is just the best. She has enriched our lives in ways I could only imagine.

My poetic sentence (more of a ditty really):

My best girl is the dog in my life,
that’s true, but please don’t tell the wife!

  1. What is your pet peeve?

Pet being the operative word but doesn’t do the outrage justice. I am against all forms of animal cruelty.

I am also a little peeved that as I age, I have become so much more emotional about things. I have never hidden my feelings but find that I cry more as I get older. Emotions are never far from the surface. Perhaps it’s a sign of ageing, or maybe it’s because life just means more?

  1. What defines Paul Anthony Obey?

I am defined by life’s realities, surroundings and my World view on a day to day level, however, my experiences and values play a big part in all that I am.

I believe that we all have inner, subconscious beliefs and values which we machinate all our decisions and thoughts through to reach an outcome.

Only we can change our beliefs but our minds, hopes and dreams can change and become more positive which hopefully rub off on others to be more positive too.

I do not like the word ‘tolerant’ as this suggests that I will put up with you rather than be accepting of you for what you are. I will not tolerate you, but I will accept you.

I trust myself to do the right thing in every scenario.

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This publication is part 151 of 442 in the series Spotlight On Writers