Steps To Paying A Bill, poetry written by Joan McNerney at

Steps To Paying A Bill

Steps To Paying A Bill

written by: Joan McNerney


find “it” in the mailbox, trying not
to throw “it” out with junk mail
(though secretly wanting to)

trudge upstairs and put “it”
somewhere (somewhere being
an endless expanse of cubby holes)

remember the bill and hunt for “it”.
(is “it” overdue?) where oh where
is “it” or did I already pay “it”?

find “it”, making a check out for “it”
and note “it” in the debit book with
correct #, date, amount (maybe)

look high and low for a Forever stamp
is there a return address label around?
will I need scotch tape to seal the envelope?

bring it downstairs to the mailbox
(don’t throw it in the garbage)
though I may want to, really, really want to.

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