Comfortable Forever Rajiv Noronha·February 12, 2024Comfortable Forever written by: Rajiv Noronha @rajivnor He was, indeed, a man of wit, for many, a...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Tectonic Shifts Michael Zeller·January 26, 2024Tectonic Shifts written by: Michael Zeller @Zell_man Beneath my feet I feel the rumble rise Tectonic movements...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Recurring Fragments Valli Henry-Boldini·December 4, 2023Recurring Fragments written by: Valli Henry-Boldini 10am. She opens her eyes. He turns to her. “Good morning...EnglishLiterature·4 mins read
The Grieving Mother Charlene·November 19, 2023The Grieving Mother written by: Charlene She watched him die. She knew he was no longer breathing....PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Childhood Carol Anne·November 7, 2023Childhood written by: Carol Anne One ignores the other Be your own friend, be your own mother...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Halloween, Villanelle Eric Shelman·October 19, 2023Halloween, Villanelle written by: Eric Shelman Spooky boos, and cadavers creepy cries apparitions cackle devilishly frightful screams,...EnglishPoetryHalloween·1 min read
Defeat Spillwords·August 20, 2023Defeat a poem by: Khalil Gibran Defeat, my Defeat, my solitude and my aloofness; You are dearer...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
The Bachata Singer Elaine Nadal·June 6, 2023The Bachata Singer written by: Elaine Nadal Five planets are visible tonight. I am still– a loose...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Visiting a Children’s Memorial Garden Barbara Harris Leonhard·May 23, 2023Visiting a Children’s Memorial Garden written by: Barbara Harris Leonhard @BarbaraLeonhar4 Tiny gravestones gently placed on mounds...PoetryEnglishFeatured Post·1 min read
Cries Echoed in Silence Mark Tulin·April 18, 2023Cries Echoed in Silence written by: Mark Tulin @Crow_writer On a trip to the Muzeum Stutthof, I...Featured PostPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Oh Puppy, My Puppy Anne Gruner·April 11, 2023Oh Puppy, My Puppy written by: Anne Gruner Oh puppy, my puppy who barks and cries and...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
How Loud Is My Solitude Don Knowles·March 30, 2023How Loud Is My Solitude written by: Don Knowles @DonKnowles3 Loneliness is a cacophony of simple sounds...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Death March Andrea Myinga·March 16, 2023Death March written by: Andrea Myinga @AndreaMyinga There is no ‘we’ in ‘I’ Moments have named it...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Let This One Be a Devil Jennifer Christiansen·March 4, 2023Let This One Be a Devil written by: Jennifer Christiansen @JChristiansen13 New Jersey: The 1970s The cabin...EnglishLiteratureFeatured Post·11 mins read