Brainstorming Bhakta Bahadur Basnet·July 13, 2024Brainstorming written by: Bhakta Bahadur Basnet Without the plough of fate, My forehead is bald And the...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
My Shadow Jamie B·June 24, 2024My Shadow written by: Jamie B In the dimly lit room, she stood face to face with...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Whispers of Death LaVern Spencer McCarthy·November 23, 2023Whispers of Death written by: LaVern Spencer McCarthy One Saturday in mid-October Butch Barstowe pushed Corey Allen...Featured PostEnglishLiterature·10 mins read
In a Whisper of Time Roy Eisenstein·September 25, 2023In a Whisper of Time written by: Roy Eisenstein @eyezenmedia Take this message with you as you...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Tell My Daughter Hawla Riza·September 14, 2023Tell My Daughter written by: Hawla Riza @HawlaRiza Tell my daughter- that she came bearing silver lines...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Defeat Spillwords·August 20, 2023Defeat a poem by: Khalil Gibran Defeat, my Defeat, my solitude and my aloofness; You are dearer...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
A Murder of Crows R.E Hengsterman·September 13, 2022A Murder of Crows written by: R.E Hengsterman @robhengsterman My grandmother, a pillar of the old craft, spoke...EnglishLiteratureFeatured Post·6 mins read
Counterpoint Kenneth Vincent Walker·April 18, 2022Counterpoint written by: Kenneth Vincent Walker Arrogance and defiance is All the rage in this Age Of...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Opal Beach Sean O'Leary·October 8, 2021Opal Beach written by: Sean O’Leary @SeanOl777 Declan pulled up outside the Commercial Hotel, sat there and...EnglishLiterature·11 mins read
I Am The Earth Alice Doyle·August 12, 2021I Am The Earth written by: Alice Doyle @alicedoylefrenc Undeterred insightful free I am the earth and...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Shortness of Breath Kenneth Vincent Walker·January 1, 2021Shortness of Breath written by: Kenneth Vincent Walker Shortness of breath amidst This horrendous pandemic, Is it...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Don’t Let Them In Emma L Flint·December 6, 2020Don’t Let Them In written by: Emma L Flint @LiterateElf Gentle rapping, A knock at the door,...EnglishHaunted HolidaysPoetry·1 min read
Our Defiant Song Philip Dodd·May 27, 2020Our Defiant Song written by: Phillip Dodd @phillip-dodd-52 No fisherman could haul in all the fish from...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Opening The Space Cheyenne Marcelus·May 21, 2020Opening The Space written by: Cheyenne Marcelus I bruised my shins and scraped my elbows trying to...EnglishPoetry·1 min read