Moving Day Caroline Lewsey·April 10, 2024Moving Day written by: Caroline Lewsey I never thought I’d like it here. When I moved to...EnglishLiterature·7 mins read
Spin Cycle Adele Evershed·November 20, 2023Spin Cycle written by: Adele Evershed @AdLibby1 That last summer, whenever Gramps looked at the photo of...EnglishLiterature·4 mins read
My Bar Mitzvah Michael Natt·June 13, 2023My Bar Mitzvah written by: Michael Natt I hated going to Hebrew school. It was a huge...LiteratureEnglish·1 min read
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Is There a Doctor in The House? Lisa H. Owens·September 9, 2022Is There a Doctor in The House? written by: Lisa H. Owens @LisaHOwens The boy’s birth had...LiteratureEnglish·3 mins read
Ye Birds On My Window Sill SmithaV·May 2, 2022Ye Birds On My Window Sill written by: SmithaV @SmithaVishwana4 I ask of ye birds That visit...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
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Becoming Kitty Carol Stigger·January 23, 2022Becoming Kitty written by: Carol Stigger Lily Katherine felt squashed like a fly beneath a steel boot....Featured PostEnglishLiterature·40 mins read
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PARANORMAL ACTIVITY Aida·October 21, 2018PARANORMAL ACTIVITY written by: Aida A bright sunset in a crimson hue, bows down to give way...PoetryHalloweenEnglish·1 min read
SORORITY GIRL, 1984 Julia Caroline Knowlton·July 25, 2017SORORITY GIRL, 1984 written by: Julia Caroline Knowlton @julia_knowlton August, 1984. I was to begin college at...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·8 mins read