My Bar Mitzvah, story by Michael Natt at
Anton Mislawsky

My Bar Mitzvah

My Bar Mitzvah

written by: Michael Natt


I hated going to Hebrew school. It was a huge sacrifice for me to miss an afternoon of stickball with my friends in the P.S. 82 school yard and attend another class after I had just completed a full day of 5th grade.

My parents forced me to learn some Hebrew, read Bible stories and learn about the culture and traditions of my people. My parents were mean.

On January 30th 1965 I read my haftorah portion at the Hebrew Institute of University Heights. Afterwards, I dropped out of the synagogue. I only went there when my parents forced me to go with them to The High Holy Day services at Riverdale Temple, where my mother worked as a secretary.

Oh, to be 13 again!

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