Winter, A Wondering Spirit, written by LadyLily at

Winter, A Wondering Spirit

Winter, A Wondering Spirit

written by: LadyLily



Winter…a wandering spirit,
her empire crowned by a season’s inheritance.
Autumn clings to Old father Time,
punching the heart of November.

Shooting stars whip sunbeams
into ecru plaited ribbons.
Massed quivering clouds brim,
spilling their bellies, drop dripping rain
over silver woods and rich-robed ferns.

Droplets skip over revived Winter bulbs.
Day by day they spiral through earth’s lips,
their virginity kissing secrets of eternal bliss.

Crocus, opening buds dawn to flowered gowns…
Yellow, purple, powder-blue
flame in fields of ice.

The lustrous feet of Angels tramp sodden soil
tantalising Snowdrops to mimic last year’s performance…
For they are mistresses of Winter,
olive limbs boosting melodies of white,
their chromed light makes way for the path of Spring.

Viola dances…
a frosted Princess, she sways to the Nutcracker Suite
as crystalized fingers fondle crimsoned petals.

Pansies perish, crumple to hazel ashes,
hailstones bounce like crazed vermiculite
as a Blue Tit’s twitter cradles the first snows of January.

Moon, in her chariot of pearl, glides, giggles,
nudges ancient Owl to make music from twilight mist…
Promising shadows of Magnolia’s blossom in a water-pool,
delicate bloom-blush of cerise
flushed like a bride with a honeyed smile…

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