Spotlight On Writers - Linda Imbler, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Linda Imbler

Spotlight On Writers

Linda Imbler


  1. Where, do you hail from?

I was born in Texas and grew up all over that same state. This rock and roll girl met and married a classical-music guy 42 years ago.
We moved to his hometown and have been here in Wichita, Kansas ever since.

  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

I love rolling hills. I love the fact that I can drive just one hour outside of Wichita and experience prairies and the huge majesty of sunrises/sunsets.
Contrary to what some might believe, prairies are anything but dull, and present themselves with very diverse and wonderful plants and animals.

  1. What turns you on creatively?

The “what-ifs.” I have always enjoyed the challenge of taking a photographic image, a word, a quote, a philosophical statement, an experience, and imagining a what-if in response to it. And, especially to take one of the previously listed items and use beautiful words to describe it, even if the object or subject itself is depressing, terrifying, painful, or intimidating. Taking what has invited itself into my world, and turning it into something that I no longer mind looking at or hearing about has given me a channel for some relief from sorrow, pain, grief and other negative emotions.
I also enjoy writing about things that interest me. I have a lot of interest in languages, philosophy, music, animals, geography, and spirituality.

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

My favorite word is before

In the nick of time, a hero will shift the world back onto its feet again, before it, stumbling, shatters its bones.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

Complaints or criticism of something without having any constructive, positive ideas about how to improve that something.

  1. What defines Linda Imbler?

I am a life-long learner. I will never be able to have my head full enough of new facts or learn enough about a new skill. Nor will I ever be able to have enough experiences where I can apply those new learnings.

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This publication is part 214 of 437 in the series Spotlight On Writers