Christmas Cookies
written by: Carl “Papa” Palmer
Julia Child, Emeril, Martha Stewart and the Galloping Gourmet all having influence toward the ingredients upon my kitchen counter in preparation for:
“The Christmas Cookie Contest of 2022”
This year’s theme: “Unique Tastes Holiday Bazaar”
Bowls, saucers, cups, kettles and pans, lined up along with flour, sugar, baking powder, milk, salt, and butter surrounds my secret ingredient, Kool-Aid.
This familiar flavor will be sure to sway the judges, remind them of every child’s joy from the last three generations since the first baby boomer was born.
In every home across America, Kool-Aid packets were always present on the pantry shelf or cupboard drawer. Just pour the contents into a cup and add sugar. Lick a finger, dip it into the mixture and repeat until finger, tongue and lips match the color of the envelope package.
I plan to flavor, provide color and decorate my cookies with the familiar packet pictures of Goofy Grape, Loudmouth Lime, Root ’n Toot ’n Raspberry, Jolly Ollie Orange, Choo Choo Cherry and Freckle Face Strawberry. To further identify cookie flavors, I will garnish with some actual fruit for the health nuts – simple, yet effective.
My winning recipe can be easily made, loved by all and an immediate taste sensation.
All over America, all over the world…
“Papa’s Kool-Aid Cookies”
I should probably call Kool-Aid Headquarters or the patent office, first, but then, you won’t tell anyone my secret, will you?
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