Miles Away written by Gavin Haycock at

Miles Away

Miles Away

written by: Gavin Haycock



We took a little road trip, but not like in the old days
went along armed with music, water, sunlight, whistling wind
I picked up some new tracks from the book house before leaving
just to prompt a laugh again
and keep me from standing still
lines I had never heard, yet on listening had always known
like Patti when she was gone and Jeff when he was with Joan
that sounded new between miles
we ploughed asphalt highways
with their white marker lines whizzing by
tracer lines separating future and past
so precariously
I saw you there in my rear vision mirror
or maybe it was you making sculptures
between gaps among green blazing trees as forests folded behind us
in the distance
we passed carnage, metal carcasses crushed by impact
of relationships that never intended to cross paths
to drift over the centre line and question what life or death was like
on the other side
spinning, cartwheeling, whirling projectiles of thought, act and deed
a procession of us all, hurtling down the road as the afternoon hung over us
we played out our road trips that everyone could see
if only they stood still to look and listen
but no one ever did
because everyone was going somewhere else
and if they did stop
they would never think
about where anyone else was going
because they were already miles away

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