Spotlight On Writers
Leanne Yeoman
- Where, do you hail from?
I was born and grew up in Huntington, Indiana and have also lived, worked, and gone to school in Bloomington and Indianapolis. My husband, two dogs, and I currently reside in the country about 45 minutes from downtown Indy, and I work as a children’s law attorney in Marion County, Indiana.
- What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?
While I’ve always intended (and still do) to move out of state to a location more suited to my interests (with mountains and other opportunities for outdoor adventure), the best thing about Indiana, and what has kept me here so long, is the people – especially family and close friends. I also like being able to experience all four seasons.
- What turns you on creatively?
I enjoy simplicity, spending time alone, and the chance to work/think without distraction. Travel and adventure also enhance my creative spirit and give me energy and motivation to capture the beauty I see in the world through photography and writing.
- What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?
One of my favorite words is wanderlust as travel is one of my greatest passions…
her body aches
hot (with) travel fever
a wildfire burn(ing)
heart aflame
- What is your pet peeve?
At the top of the list are people who judge others and are close minded and those who think money equals success/happiness. Oh, and I also intensely dislike being told what to do…
- What defines Leanne Yeoman?
Well I like to think I’m not easily defined… [😊] I can be a mystery, even to myself, and am full of contradictions. I need my space and independence, but I do enjoy and welcome spending time with those I trust enough to let into my little world. I like to laugh, be spontaneous, travel and explore, have difficulty planning for the future (i.e. commitment issues), and am drawn towards vulnerability, originality, and authenticity. Music, running, and spending time in nature and with our dogs are my therapies.
- left behind - November 23, 2017
- Treasure Hunter - March 5, 2017
- The Wildflower - February 3, 2017