Spring Shall Overcome, a poem written by Lee Dunn at Spillwords.com

Spring Shall Overcome

Spring Shall Overcome

written by: Lee Dunn


Bare of snow and ice we were
In the winter’s dwindling days
And we marked upon the calendar
The season’s changing phase

Eager things poked up their heads
To test the springtime air
Some colour in the flowerbeds
To grace a fairy’s hair

But the sun, it paled, as iron dull
And windy came the cold
And liveliness was in a lull
In the garden’s chilly mold

Bereft of cheery focuses
We sat within the grey
The cruelty of coaxed crocuses
The frost had done away

Diamond rain upon us now
It froze to every tree
Power wires were weighted down
In the darkness we would be

The wind at last abated fast
But the dullness and the cold
Recalled our bones to winters past
And jeered at summer’s gold

Once more there came upon our door
A storm of last betrayal
‘Twas April’s cruelest paramour
‘Twould upon our hearts prevail


Today, a brightness lit my room
Awaking me from slumber
Gone were clouds of sullen gloom
And there were birds without a number

The layer cake of ice and snow
That covered all the land
Was giving way, as water flowed
Down drains choked up with sand

The sadness of the icicle
As it lost its winter weight
‘Twas dripping on the bicycle
Forgotten by the gate

And me, I felt a little thrill
And the windows I would open
And though there’s still a little chill
The winter’s spell is broken.

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