Going Dutch: A Stir-fried Shakespearean Crown of Sonnets Jordan Trethewey·September 25, 2022Going Dutch A Stir-fried Shakespearean Crown of Sonnets written by: Jordan Trethewey and MFWilkie @JTpoetlaureate I She...Featured PostEnglishPoetry·4 mins read
The Child Who Thought of A Tree Benjamin J. Sams·August 20, 2022The Child Who Thought of a Tree written by: Benjamin J. Sams In a universe, on a...EnglishPoetry·2 mins read
Nightfall Truce Andy Cooper·June 13, 2022Nightfall Truce written by: Andy Cooper @AC0040 As the night draws to a conclusion, this war between...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Research and Conclusions on Parthenogenesis in Humans Tillman Alexander III·January 23, 2022Research and Conclusions on Parthenogenesis in Humans written by: Tillman Alexander III Perhaps you have never heard...ArticleEnglish·7 mins read
Conclusion TM DiSarro·August 24, 2021Conclusion written by: TM DiSarro @tmdisarro The conclusion of the matter Was a question of perception It...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Across The Aisle J.S. Mannino·March 6, 2021Across The Aisle written by: Joseph Mannino Right here and now at this place in time We...PoetryEnglish·1 min read