The Scholar and Her Myths Soramimi Hanarejima·September 26, 2022The Scholar and Her Myths written by: Soramimi Hanarejima Toward the end of her Saturday evening at...EnglishLiterature·5 mins read
Inside the Bus at 6 O’clock Mohamed El Houssaini·July 30, 2022Inside the Bus at 6 O’clock written by: Mohamed El Houssaini Wild gazes engulf the gaiety at...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Dido Katrina Kaye·July 11, 2022Dido written by: Katrina Kaye @PoetKatrinaKaye It was an accident. I was not a broken woman the...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Przyjmij Nas Srebrnołuki Febie Konrad Stawiarski·May 25, 2022PRZYJMIJ NAS SREBRNOŁUKI FEBIE written by: Konrad Stawiarski Usłysz mnie, Srebrnołuki, złoty FEBIE idei Greków, To Ty,...InternationalPoetryPolish·1 min read
Lilith Elizabeth Barton·March 8, 2022Lilith written by: Elizabeth Barton @DestinyAngel25 Dark, beautiful, seductive Lilith The most feared, abhorred woman In the pantheon...PoetryEnglish·2 mins read
Three Sisters, One Mister Joan Leotta·February 23, 2022Three Sisters, One Mister written by: Joan Leotta @joanleottawrite Marking the days by the moon’s phases, Mintaka,...LiteratureEnglish·2 mins read
Arges, Son of The Sky C.L. Liedekev·February 18, 2022Arges, Son of The Sky written by: C.L. Liedekev @clliedekev In Greek mythology, Arges was a cyclops,...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Scorpionic Reprise Leila Ziari·February 9, 2022Scorpionic Reprise written by: Leila Ziari Let the darkness have its reign Surrendered to these Scorpionic refrains...PoetryEnglish·3 mins read
Bear, Wolf and Dragon Stanley Wilkin·February 1, 2022Bear, Wolf and Dragon written by: Stanley Wilkin @catalhuyuk On wasted land the dragon roared, Unfurled its...EnglishPoetry·6 mins read
Little Red Morrigan Sarra Culleno·October 18, 2021Little Red Morrigan written by: Sarra Culleno @sarra1978 Many moons ago / in a land of laws...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Test of Time Lee Dunn·October 9, 2021The Test of Time written by: Lee Dunn @66human In forest found, a javelin, its haft bejeweled with...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Satan. What’s In A Word? Bipolar Universe of Duality·September 12, 2021Satan. What’s In A Word? written by: Bipolar Universe of Duality From where did the name “Satan”...ArticleEnglish·2 mins read
Sensations Iolanda Leotta·September 1, 2021Sensations written by: Iolanda Leotta @dottoressaJole Wake up from sleep my soul! don’t you feel the “Zephyr”...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Sisifio y La Roca ayamlearsi·August 4, 2021Sisifio y La Roca written by: ayamlearsi @ayamlearsi Sisifo de mi día a día, Helios llega, Morfeo...SpanishPoetry·1 min read