Truant Sun
written by: Surbhi Sharma
After snatching so many lives
After making men homeless and
Children orphan
For what oh! Cruel Sun you
Appear on this blue surface with
So much of warmth?
Where were you hidden when water
Dragged carcasses, worldly goods and
Smile of the unblemished?
You might have hidden behind
Shroud of those reckless clouds
Which know no mercy on substances
I know nature is beyond everyone
Man is a hopeless sinner
In what lay the fault of ferals, aphids, trees, and
Other voiceless creatures of mother earth?
Aren’t those your care,
Unruly sun!
Why not shower any mercy
On birds who never returned to their habitats,
Why you kept quiet after seeing cowsheds
Submerged in water?
Now, when you have finally appeared with
This energy and reviving hope
People who survived, will only remember
And mourn for son of man
And the billions of voiceless beings will again serve the universe,
Will again turn fertile those barren lands
- Truant Sun - August 23, 2023