As The Crow Flies, a poem written by S.C. Denton at

As The Crow Flies

As The Crow Flies

written by: S.C. Denton



He seeks the deep,
The dark, The Depths,
Perilous flights,
Fanciful matters,
Universally unknown;

Probing existences
Nightmarish, surreal, utopic;
Merely dreams to others
Become his reality.

Knocking on the door
To Heaven,
Kicking down the
Devil’s Gate,
Seeking answers
Wherever they may Gestate.

He is as the crow flies,
Ever watchful,
Brilliantly observant,
Soul Courier To the STars–
unlocking the Gate–
An implosive master key
Gone supernova,
Creating the black hole
Which is existence…

It contracts,
It expands,
He is born again,
He spreads his Raven wings
Toward infinity.

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