Feb 14th: Forever Not Yours
written by: thePoeticpiper
Kid me not dear valentine
For you have surfaced once again
We’ve been sitting on opposite ends of this table since birth
And here we sit again in the early morning hours
From the depth of my heart, the depth of my soul, I write
I would love to hate you for this beautiful curse
As I seek redemption beneath this rumble I caused
Because of you, no, because of me
My simplicity faded in your hands
And my eyes opened wide, I have become wise
I still love the idea
That idea of having to hold your hand
Press forward into a lustful depth
The idea of taking you out for dinner or lunch
And my fingers pressing sweet pleasures into your lips
For that power to connect
The idea of holding you firmly as you squirm in ecstasy
Set up that fire in your soul as a sincere levitation of your emotions
The idea of making your fantasies a reality
But I have had the pleasure of dancing with you
Even in imperfect scenes
I misplaced my light to love
I could not punch through the lines
Yet my love, my love ain’t the easy kind
However I do love you this much to let you go
For I loved the idea of you being mine and I, yours
- Crimson Response - November 5, 2020
- Let Me Not To The Dissolution Of False Minds - May 20, 2020
- Feb 14th: Forever Not Yours - February 14, 2018