The Empty Room Larry D Tyler·June 10, 2022The Empty Room written by: Larry D Tyler Sunlight comes though the widows; the rays casting shadows...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Wind Yer Neck In Nobby66·June 10, 2022Wind Yer Neck In written by: Nobby66 @douglas97_s ‘Those who shout, they know nowt.’ That’s what me...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Look Chasity Gaines·June 3, 2022Look written by: Chasity Gaines @ChasityAnneGai1 Look up Stars twinkle as they dance The moon, a sliver...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Good Name Spillwords·May 29, 2022A Good Name a poem by: Edgar Albert Guest Men talk too much of gold and fame,...EnglishPoetryLiterary Greats·1 min read
From The Sky Suman Pokhrel·May 23, 2022From The Sky written by: Suman Pokhrel @sumanpokhrel translated by: Abhi Subedi One cannot see from the...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Rural Fate Lynn H Terry·May 2, 2022Rural Fate written by: Lynn H Terry unable to accept fate comes an escape outside one’s self...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Calming Soul The hairy bum welder·April 30, 2022Calming Soul written by: the hairy bum welder Silhouettes of trees Under a snow moon Hazy sky...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
You Could Disappear Tonight Eric Danhoff·March 2, 2022You Could Disappear Tonight written by: Eric Danhoff @troubled_sleep There is a quiet not quite a calm...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Zdrętwienie Katarzyna Dominik·February 13, 2022Zdrętwienie written by: Katarzyna Dominik Względny spokój stał za ścianą kilka centymetrów odlegle słyszałam ocalałe krzesło wyszło...InternationalPoetryPolish·1 min read
The Poet Writes Charlie Bottle·January 20, 2022The Poet Writes written by: Charlie Bottle @CharlieBottle When I walk on most mornings the sun’s moved...Featured PostPoetryEnglish·1 min read
My Ocean Kissed Me… Mitch Bensel·November 18, 2021My Ocean Kissed Me… written by: Mitch Bensel @MitchRambling walked the beach felt the sting of sand...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Gentle Pace of Rest FC Malby·November 6, 2021The Gentle Pace of Rest written by: FC Malby @fcmalby Damp, cavernous lengths of tree bark flesh...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Meditations Nancy E. Campos·October 14, 2021Meditations written by: Nancy E. Campos @NancyECampos1 When my world seems chaotic and out of control, I...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Sacred Space Kate Blake·October 6, 2021Sacred Space written by: Kate Blake contemplation is a way of life keeps self-pity from causing strife...EnglishPoetry·1 min read