It’s In The Blood Mitch Bensel·October 30, 2022It’s In the Blood written by: Mitch Bensel @MitchRambling He stared at the blinking curser on the screen....LiteratureHalloweenEnglish·6 mins read
Swaying, Flowing Jegadeesh Kumar·July 28, 2022Swaying, Flowing written by: Jegadeesh Kumar @jekay2ab Gautam remained silent, hesitant as to whether the words he...EnglishLiterature·28 mins read
Curious Task Duane L Herrmann·July 13, 2022Curious Task written by: Duane L Herrmann Computer nerds tasked with creating a new system for car...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Dreaming I’m Only Dreaming Alan Bedworth·July 31, 2021Dreaming I’m Only Dreaming written by: Alan Bedworth @fevrules Dreamy sequences filling your mind. totally distracting as...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Tunnel Nancy Lou Henderson·March 22, 2021The Tunnel written by: Nancy Lou Henderson @nlhende49 It was time to begin her journey, and Elsa...EnglishLiterature·2 mins read
Resisting Arrest Steven L. Richie·February 6, 2021Resisting Arrest written by: Steven L. Richie “I can’t believe this,” the officer said after Sly (Sly...EnglishLiterature·16 mins read
Seven Modern Haiku Jharna Sanyal·December 29, 2020Seven Modern Haiku written by: Jharna Sanyal snake on fence stories rush spraying fear bare branches score...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Ebb and Flow Helen Chambers·December 25, 2020Ebb and Flow written by: Helen Chambers @Chambers9Helen Tired of City life, wealthy Ben purchased an entire...EnglishLiteratureChristmas·4 mins read
If Only We Could Reboot Jacob Greb·August 9, 2020If Only We Could Reboot written by: Jacob Greb There goes my CPU as my motherboard becomes...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Summer Afternoon huntersjames·June 20, 2020Summer Afternoon written by: Huntersjames @huntersjames Oh butterfly sailing ‘gainst the wind Painted sails unfurled you fight...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
PROVERBS FOR WRITERS Dianne Moritz·April 11, 2020PROVERBS FOR WRITERS written by: Dianne Moritz One rotten word spoils the whole page. Those that will...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Video Game Robyn MacKinnon·September 8, 2019Video Game written by: Robyn MacKinnon @art_rat this video game survived an entire day For crying out...Robyn Finds PoetryRobyn MacKinnonEnglishPoetry·1 min read
Disconnecting Reality Glenn Bresciani·July 27, 2019Disconnecting Reality written by: Glenn Bresciani SPRING 1993 Okay, I confess: I am a twenty-two-year-old male devoted...LiteratureEnglish·13 mins read