Friends Within The Darkness Spillwords·September 4, 2022Friends Within the Darkness a poem by Charles Bukowski I can remember starving in a small room in...EnglishLiterary GreatsPoetry·1 min read
Mind Killer Dick Noble·January 11, 2022Mind Killer written by: Richard Bishop @rbbishopwriter Abigail stared at the shot of Mindkiller clutched in her...LiteratureEnglish·2 mins read
And I Quote Heather Cameron·November 24, 2021And I Quote written by: Heather Cameron You must get sick of people asking how you are....EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Neighbor’s Dog Korliss Sewer·November 17, 2021The Neighbor’s Dog written by: Korliss Sewer @rainwriterjones Once he told me there was no day beyond...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
No Wine in The House Now Jim Latham·November 14, 2021No Wine in The House Now written by: Jim Latham @JimLatham15 Nili hates it when I drink...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·1 min read
One For The Road Debbie Hewson·September 11, 2021One For The Road written by: Debbie Hewson @debbiehewson3 It was nearly closing time, at the Pirate’s...LiteratureEnglish·5 mins read
Champagne and Cheesecake Robyn MacKinnon·June 27, 2021Champagne and Cheesecake written by: Robyn MacKinnon @art_rat in his new kitchen filled with champagne and cheesecake...EnglishRobyn Finds PoetryRobyn MacKinnonPoetry·1 min read
Self-Improvement Smoothie Benjamin Bateman·March 11, 2021Self-Improvement Smoothie written by: Benjamin Bateman @3enjamin3ateman One overripe banana (for cleansing potassium). Fifteen humble minutes signing...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Bitter Coffee Karen Rey·November 16, 2020Bitter Coffee written by: Karen Rey swallow that bitter coffee and forget everything existed. swallow that bitter...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Flood Gates L.M.Giannone·July 6, 2020Flood Gates written by: L.M. Giannone @LISAGNO Open the flood gates and rush inside me fill my...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Deep, Deep Eternity Jose A. Tovar·February 26, 2020Deep, Deep Eternity written by: Jose A. Tovar I drink your deepest melody— your sweet, sweet serenity....EnglishPoetry·1 min read
A Billet Doux From a Philophobic Asceticquill·January 2, 2020A Billet Doux From a Philophobic written by: Asceticquill It’s hard not to abhor people, things, institutions,...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Greener Grass Ricky Hawthorne·September 17, 2019Greener Grass written by: Ricky Hawthorne @searsjames My grandmother used to say that Change is as good...Featured PostPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Faithful Richard Grahn·September 13, 2019Faithful written by: Richard Grahn the baker’s shop is empty I bought its last loaf of bread...PoetryEnglish·1 min read