Virtue or Vice, poetry by Manny Rey at
Davi Moreira

Virtue or Vice

Virtue or Vice

written by: Manny Rey



guilt erodes
and consumes our souls
through tiny orts
of ourselves

fateful and forgotten acts
erupt and surface
on full display
to realize and perseverate
throughout our days,
while our emotions and energy
wither away

wedding day bliss
a couple walks down the aisle
happily waving with wide toothed smiles,
find their way through time
and something is amiss
walking down the grocery aisle
cloaked in a different demeanor
splashed with stoic, sad faces
their former exuberant visages,
now gone and stolen
through countless hours
of toiling and dancing
with desolation and dissatisfaction,
spinning and twirling
with deceit and regret,
while noshing on the memories
of long-lost dreams,
forever gone to the abyss
of unrealized achievements,
choking and coughing up
the phlegm of conformity
often born through guilt’s enormity

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