Bestow Mercy written by mdtaslim at

Bestow Mercy

Bestow Mercy

written by: mdtaslim


Bestow mercy
No one knows his beginning
No one will ever know his end
He only knows his
Beginning and end
He is infinite
Everyone calls him by their coined names
Irrespective of caste, creed, color, religion
Irrespective of gender and geographical location
He calls everyone by one name
People try to decorate him lavishly
To justify their given name
He never asks for this
For him all names are
Equal, Pure and pious
Everyone wishes his attention
He keeps everyone in his attention
He can not be seen but
He can be felt
He can be felt in mother’s love
He can be felt in lover’s eyes
He can be felt in child’s smile
He can be felt in flowers color
He can be felt in soothing air
He can be felt in maidens giggle
He can be felt in old eyes
He can be felt in raging fire
He can be felt in rain drops
He can be felt in cold wintery air
He can be felt in warming sun
He can be felt in vast greeneries
He can be felt in flowing rivers
He can be felt in blue sky
He can be felt in roaming clouds
He can be felt in praying hands
He can be felt in begging bowl
He can be felt in King’s grace
He can be felt in musician’s music
He can be felt in painter’s colors
He can be felt in gracefully walking beauties
He can be felt in dancer’s moves
He can be seen everywhere
Only pure heart can feel him
He seems to be far away but
He always remains near everyone
He fulfills dreams and desires of everyone
He is infinite
No one will ever know him
He is a mystery
He is an open book
Everything of this universe always
Remains chanting his names
Only purest soul can hear it
Seekers often get lost
Thus Sarmad Haque became
Anal Haque
He is purer than the purest
He is mightier than the mightiest
He is humbler than the humblest
He is best of the best
It is impossible to describe him
Accept my frugal attempt
Bestow mercy.



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