Christmas Song, poetry by John Anthony Fingleton at
Erwan Hesry

Christmas Song

written by: John Anthony Fingleton (Löst Viking)


There’s a grand Christmas tree in the window,
Decked out in silver and gold,
Fairy lights flashing, and a bright shining star,
To guide those Three Wise Men of old;
A log fire burning, with stockings hung up,
And a holly wreath on the front door,
There’s a strange kind of magic in children’s eyes,
Now Christmas has come ‘round once more.
Coloured garlands are hung from the ceiling,
A crib waiting for the new born;
And small boys and girls keep asking each day –
“When will it be Christmas morn?”

In the glow of the streetlamps, carols are sung,
Telling the world of the great day to come,
“Adeste Fideles,” they sing, glory on high to the new Christ born King.
“Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht!”
The night that the baby was born.
“Silent Night, O’ Holy Night!”
The night Christ the Saviour was born.

Young Tommy remembers the same time last year,
But he’s not sure if it’s a dream that he had;
When he heard Mammy laughing as Santa came in,
That looked just a bit like his Dad.

Mary is hoping that John will come ’round,
With that new neighbours boy they call Joe,
So she hung in the hallway, when no one was around;
A sprig of new green mistletoe.
Some presents already are under the tree,
But it’s still hard to know what’s inside;
And Granddad keeps saying: “Don’t touch anything,
Until Christmas Day has arrived.”

In the glow of the streetlamps, carols are sung,
Telling the world of the great day to come,
“Adeste Fideles,” they sing, glory on high to the new Christ born King.
“Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht!”
The night that the baby was born.
“Silent Night, O’ Holy Night!”
The night Christ the Saviour was born.

The Christmas cards coming from old and new friends;
Some bring a smile or a tear,
And Grandma, has got that faraway look,
She only gets this time of year.
While the kitchen has come such a magical place:
A big turkey dressed ready to go;
Aroma of pudding and icing on cakes –
All we need now for Christmas is snow.

Then Christmas Eve comes, and the snow starts to fall,
Silver sparks in the light of the Moon.
And all little children, tucked up in their beds,
For Santa Claus will be here soon.

In the glow of the streetlamps, carols are sung,
Telling the world of the great day to come,
“Adeste Fideles,” they sing, glory on high to the new Christ born King.
“Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht!”
The night that the baby was born.
“Silent Night, O’ Holy Night!”
The night Christ the Saviour was born. –

The night that the Saviour was born.

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This publication is part 51 of 105 in the series 12 Days of Christmas