What is Death? Saurav Sharma·January 23, 2024What is Death? written by: Saurav Sharma The joke is if you can’t remember what it is...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Lengths for Width Stephen Kingsnorth·September 21, 2023Lengths for Width written by: Stephen Kingsnorth It lies beneath her surface sheen, the real disturbance of...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Terry and Death Luka Marjanovic·February 22, 2023Terry and Death written by: Luka Marjanovic Terry Pratchett died in his sleep, naturally, at the age...EnglishLiterature·6 mins read
할머니 Lily Kwak·September 7, 2022할머니 (Grandma; Harmony) written by: Lily Kwak Her maroon cardigan always smells of flour and chocolate, a...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Psychology Dawn Pisturino·June 18, 2022Psychology written by: Dawn Pisturino A psychologist by trade, She brought order from chaos, Splicing together the...Featured PostPoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Silent Man John Anthony Fingleton (Löst Viking)·April 11, 2022A Silent Man written by: John Anthony Fingleton (Löst Viking) I can remember when he was big...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Lollipop Sun Dilip Mohapatra·March 12, 2022The Lollipop Sun written by: Dilip Mohapatra @dilipmo Mother gradually forgot who I was her first born son...PoetryEnglishFeatured Post·1 min read
Losing My Religion Ash Douglas·January 31, 2022Losing My Religion written by: Ash Douglas @Written_In_Ash I’m sorry you were alone when the faces drifted...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Summer Wood Nameera Anjum Khan·May 19, 2021Summer Wood written by: Nameera Anjum Khan Gaping at the summer wood between my teeth My grandmother...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Me, Dad and Alzheimer Nodirabegim Ibrohimova·April 7, 2021Me, Dad and Alzheimer written by: Nodirabegim Ibrokhimova Alois Alzheimer. Father of neuropathology. He studied brain pathology and...EnglishLiterature·7 mins read
Little Notes Everywhere Lisa H. Owens·March 16, 2021Little Notes Everywhere written by: Lisa H. Owens @LisaHOwens I am hungry. Did I eat? I go...LiteratureEnglish·1 min read
Just Enough for Coffee Jake Cosmos Aller·February 9, 2021Just Enough for Coffee written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller A homeless man Stood on the street Counting...EnglishPoetryFeatured Post·1 min read
The Evening Nishi Pulugurtha·May 8, 2020The Evening written by: Nishi Pulugurtha @nishipulu It was about forty minutes after five in the evening....EnglishLiterature·3 mins read
A Vintage Memory Pallavi·April 8, 2020A Vintage Memory written by: Pallavi Her swiftly failing vintage memory compels her to ask “Who are you?”...EnglishPoetry·1 min read