Biden and Trump Dr. K. K. Mathew·November 24, 2020Biden and Trump written by: Dr. K. K. Matthew Two opposite poles can’t meet, two in one...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Paul Revere’s Ride Spillwords·July 5, 2020Paul Revere’s Ride a poem by: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·3 mins read
Block Party USA John Grochalski·March 14, 2020Block Party USA written by: John Grochalski overheard the sky is gray as the deluge comes like...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Ghost Writer From The Sky Doug Hawley·December 23, 2019Ghost Writer From The Sky smart car 17 written by: Doug Hawley @dougiamm Sheila told Duke, “Hurry...ChristmasEnglishLiterature·2 mins read
First World Trailer Park Dilemmas Mike Sharlow·October 6, 2019First World Trailer Park Dilemmas written by: Mike Sharlow I was watching TV and doing a little...EnglishLiterature·9 mins read
The Historian Paula Puolakka·September 20, 2019The Historian written by: Paula Puolakka It’s not progressive if it’s destroying Nature. We human beings are...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
I wish you the best day of your life Paula Puolakka·August 22, 2019I wish you the best day of your life written by: Paula Puolakka In 150 years’ time,...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Kossover Michael Natt·March 24, 2019Kossover written by: Michael Natt My maternal grandparents came from a small shtetl (village) outside of Warsaw,...ArticleEnglish·1 min read
Opening Day Roger Turner·March 29, 2018Opening Day written by: roger turner @titansdad The day arrived, the sun was out The sky was...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Lecture (Our Violence-Stricken Society) Cindy Medina·November 12, 2017A Lecture (Our Violence-Stricken Society) written by: Cindy Medina @Cindy_M65 Yes, this is a lecture. Admitted upfront....EnglishFeatured PostEditorial·1 min read
To Dreamers Julia Caroline Knowlton·September 18, 2017To Dreamers written by: Julia Caroline Knowlton @julia_knowlton Your dream deferred; far planet of hope eclipsed. ...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Foro Politico – Que Es Un Plebiscito Y El Significado Para Puerto Rico Jose A Gomez·May 2, 2017Foro Politico Que es un plebiscito y el significado para Puerto Rico written by: José A Gómez ...EditorialSpilled HistoryArticleJose A GomezSpanishFeatured Post·2 mins read
The Age of Nefarious Alison Vail Fuller·April 21, 2017The Age of Nefarious written by: Alison Vail Fuller @alisonVfuller helpmeIcannotbreathe political strife haunts me and compresses...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Los Buitres Y Los Cerdos Cecilia Argüelles Ramos·April 16, 2017Los buitres y los cerdos written by: Cecilia Argüelles Ramos @CeciliArguelles Ellos, esos… que insisten en abrir...PoetrySpanish·1 min read