What Has Beautiful Become
written by: Beth Tremaglio
Beauty isn’t found in painted nails,
colored hair,
trimmed hair,
a body,
virtual relationships that mimic what the normal is,
artificial expressions,
high end jobs,
titles or clothing trends.
Beauty is found when you show your scars,
take the hand of a stranger and help lead the way,
sit by the poor and see true richness,
being you unapologetically in a world that mimics what’s around them,
doing a good deed that doesn’t require a like button or a live stream,
saying only what you mean,
giving empathy,
taking accountability in a world that would rather pass blame,
striving to heal rather then band-aid yourself and project hurt onto another,
being loyal,
smiling without a camera,
stop kissing a** and selling out one another for seat with those we feel are more powerful.
Stop making decisions that cause you to not be yourself and blame another.
Stop laying down what lives and breathes for what is an artificial existence of filtered beauty.
If our cameras only took snap shots of our soul, of our intentions, and no longer took a picture of flesh and bone, would you still post this on social media?
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