What Is To Come? at Spillwords.com

What Is To Come?

What Is To Come?

Collaborating Minds

Anne G & J.M.G.


Today – I wake up to an ash-covered landscape, barren and void of sound. Colorless. Like a newborn babe, I do not recognize my surroundings. Where am I? How did I get here?

A man

his world

what was before

Yesterday – I know not how I got here. A fuzzy scene plays in my head. I remember drifting off to sleep on a verdant rug of lush green grass, lulled by a chorus of songbirds, under the shade of an enormous maple tree. Is it possible? Was it but a dream or is this my reality? I search the horizon with hollow eyes, unable to see. What now?

A man

his life

what is to come

Tomorrow – I am unsure. Questions … What can I do? In what direction will I go? When will I know? It’s all surreal. A kind of limbo do I feel. To be or not to be? A question of infinity. Past, present, future, divine or not, a trinity.

A man

his death

a new rebirth

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