Chester The Warrior Owl Author B.A. Rose·August 14, 2023Chester The Warrior Owl written by: Author B.A. Rose @authorbarose Chester always wanted to fight. It was...EnglishLiterature·7 mins read
Dancing at The Dawn of The Ball Scott Thomas Outlar·May 17, 2023Dancing at The Dawn of The Ball written by: Scott Thomas Outlar @17Numa If ever there were...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
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Jackal’s Crown Kishan Dahal·January 20, 2023Jackal’s Crown written by: Kishan Dahal @dahal_kishan there at the highest office he reached after a successful...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
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The Quiet Man Larry D Tyler·September 14, 2022The Quiet Man written by: Larry D Tyler The long line of cars provided a caravan of...EnglishLiterature·2 mins read
Love Challenged Tina Hudak·July 20, 2022Love Challenged written by: Tina Hudak Some friends are not easy ones. Some friends push you out...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Matriarch Karoline Lesande·July 8, 2022A Matriarch written by: Karoline Lesande I miss feeling safe whenever I was near you, I miss...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Advice for Self-Introduction Dirk Sandarupa·June 24, 2022Advice for Self-Introduction (I believe that) written by: Dirk Sandarupa @ds4nd As I get older, if you...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
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9 Energy Tips For The Home Deepa Kansra·February 20, 20229 Energy Tips for the Home written by: Deepa Kansra Everything has energy, whether in the human...ArticleEnglish·2 mins read
Lamentos Jose A Gomez·January 9, 2022Lamentos written by: José A Gómez Como quisiera decirles, las cosas que están en mi pensamiento, tantas...PoetryJose A GomezSpanish·1 min read
Table Talk Liam Flanagan·November 25, 2021Table Talk written by: Liam Flanagan @LFlanaga You a former self sit across the table I could...EnglishPoetry·1 min read