After Rexroth Kahlil Crawford·August 7, 2023After Rexroth written by: Kahlil Crawford “…the weapon of a purely lyrical art.” Parker, Gillespie, Davis, Monk,...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Poetry For Writers Melissa Lemay·March 22, 2023Poetry For Writers written by: Melissa Lemay There is art to crafting verse, quite a way of...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Unappetizing Taste of Shoe-Leather L.M. Lydon·March 14, 2023The Unappetizing Taste of Shoe-Leather written by: L.M. Lydon Once upon a time, an old woman lived...Featured PostEnglishLiterature·13 mins read
88 Quatrain Verse on Poetics C.R. Daugherty·February 20, 202388 Quatrain Verse on Poetics written by: C.R. Daugherty I just may be a Master Poet, Master...PoetryEnglish·6 mins read
Trudna Miłość Marian Rodziewicz·November 27, 2022Trudna Miłość written by: Marian Rodziewicz Sen Caravaggia, czy potępiony? Talent dla Boga, miłość w ukryciu Przeciwne...PoetryPolishInternational·1 min read
Seduction Kate Blake·August 1, 2022Seduction written by: Kate Blake they seem to slither and slide, sexy and seductive or rumble around...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Hens & Chickens Jordan Trethewey·February 10, 2022Hens & Chickens written by: Jordan Trethewey @JTpoetlaureate Grandmother liked modest growth, no show-off annual beauties, encouraged...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
My Imaginary Friend Andy Houstoun·January 24, 2022My Imaginary Friend written by: Andy Houstoun @Madmax69425310 Lulu sits on the top step of the stairs....LiteratureEnglish·1 min read
Not Easy L.M.Giannone·January 24, 2022Not Easy written by: L.M. Giannone @LISAGNO time and time again I’ve tried to hate you even...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Weightless Gina Gallyot·August 29, 2020Weightless written by: Gina Gallyot I am Liquid bone Sieved through time Strained against a life Of...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Domino Effect Christine E. Ray·August 13, 2020Domino Effect written by: Christine E. Ray @ChristineERay66 lifetime of losses hoarded dominos arranged into increasingly intricate...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Late May Sky Edward McCloud·June 23, 2020The Late May Sky written by: Edward McCloud Random patterns of varying clouds: cirrus sections dark or...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Unflowered Eoghan Lyng·March 18, 2020Unflowered written by: Eoghan Lyng @eoghanlyng There lies a flower, Flooring the phallic phenomena, Pasteurised in polemic...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Little Doll Mary Bone·July 24, 2019Little Doll written by: Mary Bone Fractal rhythmic patterns dresses from silk presses, pretty ribbons and bows...EnglishPoetry·1 min read