The Witch Mary Bone·October 25, 2021The Witch written by: Mary Bone The witch sat on a porch wearing a wicked grin. She...EnglishPoetryHalloween·1 min read
Ruptured Looking Glass Martina Rimbaldo·October 23, 2021Ruptured Looking Glass written by: Martina Rimbaldo @MartinaRimbaldo Moonlight casting his pale hands upon her window glass...EnglishPoetryHalloween·1 min read
Convene Misty Rampart·October 4, 2021Convene written by: Misty Rampart @mistyrampart What I crawl toward, with what’s left on the tray, dull...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Belittled Karoline Lesande·April 11, 2021Belittled written by: Karoline Lesande Saddest eyes, no self-esteem, shoulders down, lost in a dream. No one...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Crack of Dawn Sheila Henry·September 6, 2020The Crack of Dawn written by: Sheila Henry April Sandiford had been having frequent scary dreams lately....EnglishLiterature·11 mins read
Swift As You Come Isioma Jemimah Okonicha·September 3, 2020Swift As You Come written by: Isioma Jemimah Okonicha The shadow that chases me around The nightmare...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
When The Veil Slips Susanne Thomas·October 30, 2019When The Veil Slips written by: Susanne Thomas @Susannewith5 I am scared The squeals from outside claw...PoetryHalloweenEnglish·1 min read
Who Were They!? Miss Kanishka·October 22, 2019Who Were They!? written by: Miss Kanishka An exhausted month it was; She sat tired and gasped...PoetryHalloweenEnglish·1 min read
Mickey’s Halloween Roger Turner·October 20, 2019Mickey’s Halloween written by: Roger Turner @titansdad The trick or treater stood before me Dressed like someone...EnglishPoetryHalloween·1 min read
The Hunter Shalini Samuel·October 8, 2019The Hunter written by: Shalini Samuel @sshalini2014 A grey snake with black horizontal stripes slithers behind a terracotta...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Bear In There Spillwords·July 7, 2019Bear In There a poem by Shel Silverstein There’s a Polar Bear In our Frigidaire– He likes...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
My Addiction Robbie Masso·December 2, 2017My Addiction written by: Robbie Masso The road is starting to look the same. Every day I...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
When I Scare You Crow Anne G·May 28, 2016When I Scare You Crow Collaborating Minds Anne G & J.M.G. Scare you Scares me Scared us...J.m.gEnglishPoetryAnne G·1 min read