Broken Trust Maria Dulce Leitao Reis·January 26, 2023Broken Trust written by: Maria Dulce Leitão Reis Emotions are important they are what generate feelings. The...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Lockdown Brain Fog Robyn MacKinnon·August 1, 2021Lockdown Brain Fog written by: Robyn MacKinnon @art_rat the current lockdown sensitive to light, brain fog first...PoetryEnglishRobyn Finds PoetryRobyn MacKinnon·1 min read
At Dawn Aurora Kastanias·July 29, 2020At Dawn written by: Aurora Kastanias Seldom have I experienced Reality eclipsing fantasies Secret wishes heeded Sensibility...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Bruises and The Burns Mark Tulin·July 16, 2020Bruises and The Burns written by: Mark Tulin @Crow_writer I honor the sensitive poets; those who are...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
SHE DID NOT WANT TO COME OUT Poli Miltou·June 4, 2020SHE DID NOT WANT TO COME OUT written by: Poli Miltou @PoliMiltou She had to explain that...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Jill, The Piano and MS John Grey·August 14, 2019Jill, The Piano and MS written by: John Grey Listening to you play I can almost forget...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Mask of an Empath Chasity Gaines·June 28, 2019Mask of an Empath written by: Chasity Gaines @ChasityAnneGai1 She Never Cries in front of people If...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Apologies Gauri Dixit·March 6, 2018Apologies written by: Gauri Dixit It is all ok Once you say sorry Your sensitive expression Makes...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Empath Josie Dee·January 5, 2017Empath written by: Josie Dee @Josi3_dee You’re too sensitive they said As the words hurt and cut...EnglishPoetry·1 min read