Modern Manners Brenda Gvozdanovic·August 26, 2019Modern Manners written by: Brenda Gvozdanovic @BGvozdanovic He’s sitting by the window when Cassie arrives. Early forties she thinks;...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Reflections on Vicarious Existence Noah Smith·August 15, 2019Reflections on Vicarious Existence written by: Noah Smith As so few now live in such a state...LiteratureEnglish·4 mins read
The Abattoir of Wolves Ethan Lesley·July 9, 2019The Abattoir of Wolves written by: Ethan Lesley @ethananarchy The landscape of Inferno has gotten only more...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Lady Chiron Katy Santiff·June 5, 2019Lady Chiron written by: Katy Santiff Shod happily by Hephaestus, you half war horse, half hausfrau–if Chiron only...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Modern Witch John R Cobb·October 28, 2018The Modern Witch written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Ingredients spread across a granite counter. A woman...LiteratureHalloweenEnglishFeatured Post13 Days of Halloween·2 mins read
Freedom Robin McNamara·July 9, 2018Freedom written by: Robin McNamara @robbiemac72 The freedom of my world. Scorned by the settled set. Despair...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Protect Your Choices Thomas Park·April 1, 2018Protect Your Choices written by: Thomas Park @mystified131 I work in a Midwestern library system. Over the...ArticleEnglish·4 mins read
Aborigines of India – The Baiga Arun Nair·March 22, 2018Aborigines of India – The Baiga written by: Arun Nair Baigas are aboriginal hill people living in...ArticleEnglish·1 min read
Norman Thomas Park·February 20, 2018Norman written by: Thomas Park @mystified131 Life goes by quickly And there is much to do Duties...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Mundane… Dr Molly Joseph·December 29, 2017The mundane… written by: Dr. MOLLY JOSEPH Xmas waves ...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Disjointed Thomas Park·December 4, 2017Disjointed written by: Thomas Park @mystified131 Disjointed 1 – “City Blocks” Delmar Divide Radical income discrepancy...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Howls of History Arun Dash·November 22, 2017Howls of History written by: Arun Dash I have withstood the tests of Time Lying before you...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Halloween Ian Fletcher·October 31, 2017Halloween written by: Ian Fletcher @ian.fletcher.50 Trick or treat the kids say as they wend their way...PoetryHalloweenEnglish·1 min read
The Modern Warrior Darren Kohl·October 17, 2017The Modern Warrior written by: Darren Kohl @d_kohlsy The warrior awakens in the comfort of peace, the...Featured PostPoetryEnglish·1 min read